Creative Curriculum​
The Creative Curriculum for preschool features exploration and discovery as a way of learning, enabling children to develop confidence, creativity, and critical thinking skills. The Creative Curriculum for Preschool is based on 38 objectives for development and learning. These objectives are fully aligned with the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework and State Early Learning Standards, and integrated into each and every one of the comprehensive collection of resources that makes up the curriculum.
The objectives cover 10 areas of development and learning, including broad developmental areas, content areas, and English language acquisition. Just like the Common Core State Standards, which provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, The Creative Curriculum’s 38 objectives for development and learning include progressions of development and learning that identify widely held expectations for children of particular ages or classes/grades. This means that when children enter kindergarten, their learning has already been focused on the skills that are essential for success with regard to the Common Core State Standards.

Kindness Curriculum
We also use the Kindness Curriculum which is designed to build character and teach the values and skills children need to grow into happy, productive and caring people. This curriculum is full of imaginative, exuberant activities which we aim to deliver in a fun way where the children can reflect, sing, act and express their feelings.
Bullying is a widespread and concerning issue that affects children of all ages. Focusing on character education in the early years, this resource aims to prevent bullying before it starts. We use this comprehensive framework and the developmentally appropriate activities to teach young children compassion, conflict resolution, respect, and other positive, pro-social values as they cultivate a peaceful and supportive learning environment.